Short term investment can make wealth. How is the short term investment different?

Short term investment is symbolised as speculative and non strategic. A strong smell of greed pushes all to a trade zone which keeps the investors at bay. The Subject of wealth creation depends on the dimension that the investors chose when investing. The myth of risk involved in short term investment, has faded away in the recent past on account of the advent of data centric decision making approaches. AI is the right answer to create your wealth through the route of risk free short term investment.

Can short term portfolio be maintained with Mutual Fund/long term investment?

Mutual Fund is considered by many as a risk mitigated investment in the perspective of long term by most of the investment fraternity today. But, with the support of data driven analysis, now short term investment can reach to the near accuracy level to leverage the scope of investment. Decisions of picking the selective equity at a good time certainly ensure a secure return in the short term along with Mutual Fund investment (‘20 of 20’ approach is good here). AI plays a game changing role to take accurate decisions in making a near satisfactory return for short term investors now.

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